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Turbocharged Leadership is available for workshops and speaking engagements on these topics as well as others. Contact Joel at for more information.

Connecting with the Millennials: A Study in Human Behavior (posted April 9, 2014)

We may frequently find ourselves struggling to connect with individuals of the Millennial generation as they maintain instant contact with their peers through text messaging, Twitter, Facebook, and other electronic interchanges. By stepping back and looking these operations from the viewpoint of basic human behavior, we can begin to understand the reasons for the actions and learn to meet them in the manner they wish to connect.

This discussion involves elements of the following topics:


What's Inside the Traveler's Head? A Peek into the Personality of the Traveling Consumer (posted November 29, 2012)

Presenting a new way to view traveler segmentation, this discussion illustrates how to group travelers into those wanting a new experience, those wanting consistency, and thrill-seekers. The presentation offers sample words and images that will appeal to each segment and highlights the need to integrate all words, messages, images, and branding into consistent messages.


Project About to Crash and Burn? Find out how you can avoid project pyrotechnics (posted August 23, 2012)

Teams fail for a number of reasons. This discussion highlights some of the more popular methods of failure and how to counteract them before your team crashes and burns.


Zen Leadership in Turbulent Times (posted September 29, 2011)

Leadership, during turbulent times, becomes a vital component of success for any organization. This session will illuminate the need for laser-sharp focus and stillness to maintain high individual and team performance. Learn how leaders have handled crises in the past and techniques you and your leaders can utilize to achieve moments of stillness and opportunities for reflection. This compelling session will address the importance of goals and how to easily resolve conflict and fear, equipping you with tools to improve performance and effectiveness. An article based on this talk is available in PDF format here.


Successful Pitches and Personality Types (posted May 4, 2011)

Are you sure that you're providing the information a potential investor wants to see before investing in your business? Do you know how your customers are making their purchase decisions? This session teaches four personality types, how to determine which type your customer or investor is, and the best approach for a successful interaction with each one.


Vision & Goals 2010 (posted January 12, 2010)

This is the handout used in the Commerce Lexington Business Resource Roundtable. Topics covered include:


Leadership (posted October 6, 2009)

This is a portion of the presentation used for a discussion at the Lexington, Kentucky Citizen's Leadership Academy. Several exercises and leadership models are provided.


Attracting, Selecting, and Nurturing Creative Workers (posted August 18, 2008)

Creative workers are the lifeblood of a dynamic, thriving organization. This presentation provides some of the elements to consider if you desire to focus on creative workers. In order to attract creative workers consider the effect of your brand, all your public actions and announcements, and the possibility of winning an award for the best place to work. Assessments exist which will indicate the cognitive ability and openness of candidates - key ingredients for creative individuals. Finally, cultural components necessary to nurture creative workers are provided.


Conflict in Organizations (updated June 13, 2008)

Conflict exists in all organizations. Some organizations handle it well, and in fact encourage it in order to enhance the scope of alternative solutions to problems. What separates functional organizations from dysfunctional ones is how they handle this conflict. Topics covered in this presentation include: sources of conflict, effects on your business (positive and negative), role of conflict in creativity, and anger. Several tools to aid in resolving conflict are introduced, including the Drama Triangle, Mirroring Dialog, and Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). Information regarding factors for interpersonal and organizational aggression has been added, along with results of studies on more and less successful conflict resolution strategies.


Downsizing: Alternatives and Results (posted May 16, 2008)

Downsizing is a reality of our daily lives. Learn more about the alternatives to downsizing, the effects of it on the survivors left in your business, and the potential effect on your bottom line.


United States Generations Defined (posted June 13, 2008)

We frequently talk about the different generational groups but often do not know precisely where they start or stop. This short presentation provides the years demarcating the generations as well as an indication of the numbers of births each year. Information is provided for Builders, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y (Millenials).

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