A high performance team is like a race car—the engine must be capable of sustained performance at high RPMs and every single part must be finely tuned for optimum performance. Custom developed workshops will address the specific needs of your team to enhance performance and reduce conflict and turnover.
One or two day workshop
We believe in using multiple modalities of learning, including:
Turbocharged Leadership uses many objective, scientifically validated assessments for team training, leadership and employee training and self-development, and organizational development.
Joel DiGirolamo has over 30 years of staff and management experience in Fortune 500 companies. He has a BSEE, MBA, and an MS psychology degree and is the author of the book Leading Team Alpha and the award-winning book Yoga in No Time at All. The combination of his diverse work experience and education enable him to relate to individuals at all levels and positions of any organization in any region of the world. His broad experience has allowed him to successfully lead and participate on teams of individuals with unique backgrounds and various motivations. Joel has been a keynote speaker at several international conferences, is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), and Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). You can contact Joel at joel@jdigirolamo.com or +1-859-539-6882.