Turbocharged Leadership

Adds Three State-of-the-Art Tools

5 August, 2013

Turbocharged Leadership Adds Three

State-of-the-Art Tools

In order to provide additional services and upgrade to the best tools available, Turbocharged Leadership has added three new instruments to its portfolio.


Turbocharged Leadership is on a quest to provide superior leadership and team development. Any challenging quest requires state-of-the-art tools. This is why Turbocharged Leadership has recently invested in the addition of the Leadership Versatility Index® (LVI), Hogan leader assessments, and the Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) to its portfolio of tools.

“Our work requires us to understand the inner workings of individuals and organizations,” said Joel DiGirolamo, President of Turbocharged Leadership. “These powerful tools provide us a peek ‘under the hood’ so that we may comprehend the strengths, weaknesses, and other characteristics that are present or available. Since these tools have been developed from decades of research, we know that we have the best data available in each situation and feel confident that this baseline will provide a firm foundation upon which our leader and team development programs can be created.”

Leadership Versatility Index

The Leadership Versatility Index (LVI) is a scientifically developed and validated 360º survey tool which correlates well to leader performance. For this assessment the participant as well as his or her superiors, subordinates, and peers complete a comprehensive survey of the participant’s leadership skills in the areas of strategy, operations, pushing for performance, and creating conditions for others to lead and contribute. Based on data from more than 7,500 senior managers the assessment shows strong links to important outcomes like employee engagement, team and unit productivity, and overall effectiveness. The correlation between leader versatility and overall effectiveness is .71, an unusually high correlation for an instrument of this nature. More information on the LVI is available at kaiserleadership.com

Hogan Assessments

Hogan’s personality assessments, developed by Drs. Joyce and Robert Hogan, evaluate leadership potential, guide hiring processes, and provide direction for development. The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) is a measure of normal personality based on the Five Factor Model. Destructive leader characteristics are illuminated by the Hogan Development Survey (HDS). Recognizing these characteristics provides guidance for leader development and areas to probe during leader selection processes. The Hogan Motives, Values, Preference Inventory (MVPI) highlights values, the characteristics that drive or motivate leaders to action. More information on the Hogan assessments is available at hoganassessments.com

Denison Organizational Culture Survey

The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) is a finely-honed assessment of organizational culture built around the four opposing facets of internal focus, external focus, flexibility, and stability. The results indicate the amount of focus the organization gives to mission, employee and team involvement, consistency, and adaptability. Research has shown that organizations focusing in these areas in a balanced fashion have higher sales growth, higher customer satisfaction, and higher performance in other key areas. More information on the Denison Organizational Culture Survey is available at denisonconsulting.com

“The new tools have proven to be insightful for clients of Turbocharged Leadership and have improved our ability to facilitate high performing leaders,” said DiGirolamo. “We look forward to the continued integration of these tools into our leadership development programs with our growing client base.”


A PDF version of this news release is available here.


® Leadership Versatility Index is a registered trademark of Kaiser Leadership Solutions and is protected by U.S. Patent No. 7,121,830.